Which Seat to Choose on a Delhi Leh Flight for Best Views

Which Seat to Choose on a Delhi Leh Flight for Best Views

Delhi Leh flight is known for its jaw dropping scenic views of the Ladakh Range of mountains if you choose the correct window seat. And the correct side to choose is the A side while going to Leh and the F side while coming back to Delhi. There I told you. But you can continue reading the post to learn more about the views while flying into Leh from Delhi. And I have been lucky to do it a few times. Also, keep in mind that the clouds can cover the view completely sometimes and you may see nothing.

Window vs Aisle

This is a classic debate but the aisle seat is clearly going to lose the battle on a Delhi Leh flight as it offers no views and the whole point of flying to Leh is to be able to enjoy the gorgeous scenery. That is possible only from the window seat. I have seen people who are unaware about the views scamper for the vacant window seats once the window seat passengers start going ooh and aah.

A side or F side Window Seat

View from the A Side Window Seat, Delhi Leh Flight
View from the A Side Window Seat, Delhi Leh Flight

While going the best views are on the A side window seats and while coming back the best views are on the F side of the plane. It is that simple.

Front of the Plane or Back of the Plane?

A view of the Ladakh range of mountains along with the wing of the Go Air plane
Wing Shot, Delhi Leh Flight from the Back of the Plane

I would always choose the back of the plane because I like to include the wing of the plane in my photos and videos. Front of the plane would work too if you like to keep the wings out of the frame. Worst seats would be directly on the wings because then the wings obstruct the view and make it difficult to get a decent picture. One way out of this is to use zoom function to get out the obstructing wings out of the frame.

Sunrise or Sunset Flight

Unfortunately Leh Airport is a small and tricky one. The flights come in the morning and all of them leave by late afternoon. So there are no sunset flights in or out of Leh. You have to try and catch sunrise over the Ladakh Range of Mountains while flying in to Leh. I have been lucky once, in the month of October to catch the sunrise while I took the 5.30 am flight from Delhi. The above video is from that sunrise flight.

Summer Winter or Autumn View

Lading at leh in winter gives a beautiful view of the ladakh range of mountains
The Landing at Leh in Winter

I have also done it through seasons, in winter, summer and autumn. In summer the snow is less, so we get a lot of brown in our picture. Flying into Leh in winter is a pleasure. The mountains are white and there are hardly any tourists. But my best views came in autumn as I caught the sunrise over the mountains!

Flying over Leh is always gorgeous. I hope the information given above will help you in choosing a good seat and enjoying the magnificent views.

The post Which Seat to Choose on a Delhi Leh Flight for Best Views first appeared on Travel Tales from India and Abroad.

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