Road Trip in the Balkans 2022

Road Trip in the Balkans 2022

The Balkans have been a popular holiday destination this summer. And people are branching out. Not only Croatia anymore, but Montenegro, too. And Albania. We branched out to Montenegro and Albania, as well. And to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Our journey in 52 stories

We have 2 weeks and a bit. Ambitious, but we can do it.

1. Dubrovnik โ€“ Trebinje โ€“ Mostar โ€“ Sarajevo โ€“ Podgorica by hire car.
2. Podgorica โ€“ Belgrade on the famously scenic Bar to Belgrade train.
3. Belgrade โ€“ Tirana by air.
4. Tirana โ€“ Lake Ohrid โ€“ Prizren โ€“ Kotor โ€“ Dubrovnik by hire car.

Hiring a car in one country and returning it in another is quite doable in the Balkans. Just make sure you have all the necessary documentation, i.e. insurance covering the countries youโ€™ll drive to (and through), green card, as well as a cross border authorisation. The hire car agency will take care of it for you, but you might have to remind them.

Also, it is a good idea to get an international driving licence in addition to your valid home driving licence. We were never asked for one, not even when stopped by the police for a tiiiiny offence (guilty!), but stillโ€ฆ In Norway, international driving licences are issued by NAF (automobile association), and in the UK, you can get one at the post office. Check what applies in your home country.

Letโ€™s get the show on the road.

Day 1 โ€“ 3 Dubrovnik

Living in different countries, we decide to meet in Dubrovnik, mostly because itโ€™s easy to get to. Not that Dubrovnik isnโ€™t a lovely city. It most definitely is. But with a summer plagued by struggling airlines, strikes and unpredictable flights, we aim for a gateway we can all reach with direct flights. That way, we minimise the risk of being stranded in some intermediate airport for an age.

My flight arrives first. The drive from the airport into the old walled city of Dubrovnik is as gorgeous as I remember. After dropping the bags at the hotel and a quick breakfast at Cafe Festival around the corner, itโ€™s time for a little exploration.

It has been years! And last time, I had the kids with me. You see a city rather differently when you donโ€™t have a 3-year-old along, believe me. You even notice the bars!

However, when you only have yourself to think of, you are also in danger of making rash decisions. Or at least I am. Occasionally. So I decide to walk the old city wall. Never mind itโ€™s nearly noon. And scorching! It costs 250 kuna (ca. 33 EUR/USD), and the ticket allows only one climb up.

Now, a 2-km walk in 40ยฐC, even in blistering sun, well, it gets a bit sweaty, but otherwise, no big deal. But my plan to get great shots of Dubrovnik from above is, ermโ€ฆ shot. The light is so blinding, itโ€™s hard enough to see, let alone on a phone screen. Noon, in short, offers just about the worst photo light. I know this, of course. Butโ€ฆ rash.

All is not lost: I do manage a few shots from the watch towers that appear here and there along the wall

It is also too bright to read texts, and that wonโ€™t do. I rush through the rest and as Iโ€™m about to start down the stairs, I spot two familiar figures down at ground level, about to enter Cafe Festival.


Catching up ensues. Chatting, laughing. A bit of planning, too, but not a lot. Time enough for that.

Afterwards, Andrew and I amble about town for a bit, while Tom catches up on sleep. About two yearsโ€™ worth. Championing viable solutions to Britainโ€™s miserable cladding crisis.

As usual, Andrew has scoped out the sights, and in the compact Old Town, distances are short. We walk round the outskirts, down to the harbour, past stone beaches. We step inside The Assumption Cathedral (nice and cool), and into War Photo Limited, displaying photojournalism from world conflicts and wars, many in the Middle East, and from here where we are. Memories of the horrid war years in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Raw, frightening images. A disturbing exhibition. And educational.

The sun is now low in the sky; great photo light, so time to get high. The wall is familiar territory for me by now. From above, we spot several cafes and restaurants that look cosy for later, and little beaches where people are enjoying the last sun rays.

Dinner is outdoors on a snug little side street, followed by drinks on the stairs.

Views and more views

Next morning, I wake up first, and the bartender at Hotel Hamlet insists on feeding me, despite breakfast being over an hour ago. Back to Cafe Festival to work for a bit. For a writer a holiday is rarely just a holiday.

Then, Lovrijenac Fortress, just outside the western wall. Our tickets from yesterday include the fort; might as well take advantage.

Lovrijenac Fortress through the lookout

Also great views over Dubrovnik are from 412 metres up, on Mount Srd. You can get there in several ways; we choose the quickest: 4 minutes by cable car. Up, up, up, for 360ยฐ views, 60 km radius.

There are shops, a restaurant, a gallery, and most importantly, Fort Imperial from Napoleonโ€™s time, with a museum focussing on the defence of Dubrovnik in the early 90s. The city was occupied and surrounded by enemy forces; only this fort was on Croat hands. When the Serbian-Montenegrin army attacked in December 1991, the fortress was seriously damaged, but the Croats weathered the offensive.

Thought-provoking exhibits at Fort Imperial. See it!

Back down, the beach is just the antidote the doctor ordered. A beach with a bar. This lively place, specifically. Swimming, sunning, drinkingโ€ฆ

Cafe Bar Bard Mala Buลพa

Dinner is fish, at a restaurant on a large, leafy square nearby.

Day 3 Dubrovnik โ€“ Trebinje โ€“ Mostar โ€“ Sarajevo

By now, weโ€™re ready to get on the road. A VW Golf will take us through 3 countries. Or 4, depending on how you count countries.* I do the first shift behind the wheel, and we head for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

About 30 minutes later, we arrive in Trebinje, the first proper town after the border โ€“ and a pretty little town it is. But limited time means tough decisions, so our stop here is brief, and mainly to get a Bosnian SIM card. Weโ€™re now outside the EU/EEA, and roaming charges apply.

*51% of the country is the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The remaining 49% forms the Serb-controlled Republika Srpska. An Inter-Entity Boundary Line (IEBL) runs along the old frontlines, dividing the two. For now, Bosnia and Herzegovina is one country, but there are forces within the Bosnian-Serb community that want Srpska to secede. Is the countryโ€™s foundation strong enough? Is a two-entity solution, based on ethnic divide, sustainable? Only time will tell.

IEBL = the dotted line

On the way to Sarajevo, we cross the (mostly invisible) boundary a few times.


We wonโ€™t be stopping long in Mostar either. Long enough for a glance. And lunch.

Stari Most, the Ottoman bridge, is a beautiful structure in a beautiful little town. Everyone seems to gather on those white slippery stones, including young men in speedos, who will dive 24 terrifying metres down into the cold Neretva River. Reminds me of the cliff divers at La Quebrada. About 100 metres further along the river is a diving tower with boards at different heights, where they (and others) practice.

At Babilon, we have great views of the bridge. Hard to focus on food. Donโ€™t want to miss a dive. But mostly, the boys prance around; flexing muscles, showing off.

Day 3 โ€“ 5 Sarajevo

Itโ€™s late afternoon before we arrive at our very good, very central hotel, appropriately named Hotel Central. Itโ€™s a 1-minute walk from the cathedral, which is surrounded by restaurants. We choose Klopa, and the food is delicious. Just outside the hotel is Sime Milutinoviฤ‡a Sarajlije Street, with lots of lively bars. Weโ€™ll be focussing on Tesla later in the week, so this pub seems a logical choice.

Again, I am up early, and pop into a nearby cafe to get some work done. It is so hot; I am offered ice cream on the house.

Time to explore! Sarajevo is compact and most of what we want to see is within easy walking distance: the evocative City Hall, the genocide museum, the Ottoman bazaar, the Eternal Flame, and not least, scene of the Gunshots in Sarajevo, the event that set off World War I. More on all that in this post; I wonโ€™t repeat myself, else this post will be a mile long.

Although we meant to try a different restaurant, we end up at Klopa again. The food was that good. Thenโ€ฆ well, you know the drill by now. Cheers!

Day 5 Sarajevo โ€“ Podgorica

Day 5 already, and we have a long drive ahead. I had not researched the route, and expected an ordinary drive. (What can I sayโ€ฆ I am in holiday mode.) But the road from Sarajevo to Podgorica is anything but ordinary. A very welcome surprise.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is mountainous and pretty. Montenegro, even more so. The border itself is an old wooden bridge, and as we cross it, we are in the Tara River Gorge, Europeโ€™s deepest canyon. Gorgeous landscape wherever we turn.

Day 5 โ€“ 6 Podgorica

Heard of Podgorica? If you havenโ€™t, youโ€™re not alone. The capital of Montenegro is probably the least known capital in Europe. (Which is right up our alley, here on Sophieโ€™s World.) Back in communist times, the city was named Titograd.

I must admit, Podgorica was not the city I had looked most forward to visiting. A journo colleague even called it a hole. I expected boring. Something to be said for low expectations, though, isnโ€™t it? Things can only get better. And Podgorica (pronounced Podgoritsa) might be obscure, but it is not boring.

We return the hire car, and find our lodgings.

Hotel Podgorica: not the most inventive name for a hotel perhaps, but it gets the job done. And while it is not on level with our fab Sarajevo digs, it is absolutely adequate, with big balconies overlooking the Moraฤa River. Plus, it is one of several fine brutalist buildings in town. Podgorica was mostly reduced to rubble after World War II, and the city is heavily influenced by the architectural style of the post-war years.

The city has several green spaces, particularly along the river.

Millenium Bridge: a notable Podgorica landmark

We also have a look at the nearly 7-metre-tall monument to St. Petar of Cetinje, spiritual and military ruler of Montenegro in the early 1800s โ€“

The Petroviฤ‡ Njegoลก (St Petar) statue

โ€“ and at the Orthodox Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ. The gloriously golden interior is not to be missed.

Our fave discovery in Podgorica, however, is a quirky little sidewalk cafe/bar. El Comandante is Che-themed (which I adore), and staff is awesome, especially Ivana here.

Hasta la victoria siempre!

She recommends Pod Volat. Naturally, we take her advice, and have a cosy dinner on the large roof terrace with the wind howling in the trees.

Pod Volat restaurant

Like all cities in Ex-Yu, Podgorica has a fun bar area downtown, where we hang out, sat between two dogs. Kiki, a large and slightly anxious female, is being pestered by a vexing (but cute) chihuahua named Alfie.

Day 6 Podgorica โ€“ Belgrade by train

On Day 6, we jump on the Belgrade train. Or jumpโ€ฆ the train is about an hour late, so it is more about waiting in the early morning heat.

But finally the train arrives from Bar. There is nothing for sale on the train, so we have to fend for ourselves. We knew this, and stocked up on sandwiches, fruit, wine and water.

The Bar to Belgrade line is one of the most scenic train journeys in Europe. 11 hours through gorgeous landscape: the canyons of Montenegro, then the rolling green hills of Serbia. A small part โ€“ 9 km โ€“ pass through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These cheerful ladies are on their way to a swimming break, and leave us about halfway.

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